A. We have always prided ourselves on having a standard higher than any ADA or OSHA  recommends but we are taking it to another level.

We always did our best to run on time, limiting waiting time. Now, we are also staggering visits to reduce patient interaction further. Before coming in for an appointment, all patients will be asked if they are feeling sick and asked to postpone their appointments if unwell. We will also have contactless temperature checks in the office as well. The reception area and each dental treatment room now have HyperHepa air purifiers. You will notice our dentists and all treatment staff will have disposable gowns that will be changed even more frequently than before. We will ask for all patients to use an antiviral rinse prior to treatment. There are many contactless hand sanitizing stations throughout the office. The reception area is large and marked with areas that are six feet apart. If you feel more comfortable waiting outside, you can check in via text and we will let you know when we are ready to take you back (our staff can recommend nearby benches if you prefer to wait outside). We ask that all patients wear a mask when inside the facility unless you are in treatment with the dentist or hygienist. Our clinical team will also be wearing plastic face shields during treatment.

As always, we take your safety and health seriously and have discussed implementing the new updates on infection control with all clinical staff.  

Q. When did leaf dental open for care?

A. Leaf Dental's grand opening was in September 2013.


Q. What should I expect from all Leaf Dental doctors?

A. All Leaf Dental doctors vow to give you the best care possible. We will make sure to pay attention to all your concerns and give you all the options prior to commencement of treatment.


Q. What is your office like?

A. Our state of the art facility is an expansive, 4000 square feet office with energy smart and environmentally friendly furnishings and materials. There are iPads in our 600 square feet waiting area to make your visit as comfortable as possible. Upon arrival you will be greeted with a bottle of water and a smile. All of our dental treatment rooms have flat screen cable television. 


Q. Can I see different specialists in one day?

A. We are happy to offer you quality dental care but did you know that we have primary care services too? Under the same roof you can also make an appointment for internal medicinegynecology and/or pediatrics. Our most popular multi-specialty visit is having your dental check-up, cleaning and annual physical. To best coordinate your Dental and Medical appointments, please contact us via phone or email and we will be happy to assist you. 


Q. How can I cancel and reschedule?

A. To cancel and/or reschedule an appointment, please call our office, email us, or respond to your confirmation text message. Please note that cancellations and rescheduling appointments are time sensitive. We would appreciate if you let us know at least 48 hours in advance.


Q. Do I need to be a Leaf Medical member to be a Leaf Dental patient?

A. No. You do not need to be a Leaf Medical member to enjoy Leaf Dental benefits and vice versa. However, please note that treatments at Leaf Dental do not fulfill your annual visit obligation at Leaf Medical. Also, Leaf Medical and Leaf Dental registrations, services, and policies are different and separate.